Archive for August, 2012

Time to get fit!!!

I am in love. Obviously with my husband, but also with my new workout program.

I would like to officially endorse crossfit. Tonight I go in to finish out the foundations series and then it’s on to the official classes! I also attended a free trial class last Saturday. This program has literally kicked my ass, but I love it!!

I’m one of those people who never got to the morbidly obese stage, but I’m about as soft as soft gets. I have so many medical problems that ca easily hinder my efforts to lose weight and get healthy. So how can I even do this, you may ask? Simple: scaling.

The box I go to is amazing at scaling for an individual’s abilities and needs. My very first day I was doing pull ups and thrusters in a FRAN RAP. For those of you who don’t know that term, it will evoke grunts and groans from even the most seasoned Crossfit goers. I finished the RAP at pace with my team. I walked out in a semi-jelly state and I was in crazy amounts of pain for two days, But then I went back, and again and again. I now am down to a basic overall soreness with a ton of energy and the fire to push myself further.

Crossfit is the perfect workout for ANYONE. If you’ve never worked out in your life, they have modifications to start you at the base and work up. If you’re the resident meathead, you can pile on the pounds. The best part? Every box is a community. My first night class I had to park far from the door and a fellow member thought I was walking home. He instantly pulled up to offer to take me home. It could have been seen as creepy, but I know that every other person in there would have done the same thing had they been the one to see me. Just a friendly atmosphere with nothing but encouragement when you’re struggling.

This is also perfect for someone who gets bored and lethargic with the typical gym. This isn’t the kind of place where you hop on a treadmill then pump some iron on a machine. Oh hell no. We do pull up, ring dips, kettle bell exercises, snatches, thrusters, dead lifts, rope climbs, and so much more! Oh, and did I mention the big ass tires that get thrown around? Yeah, that happens, too.

I can already feel myself getting stronger. My body is still a little tight and sore, but that’s because I was so soft. I know the pain will subside and be replaced with power. Pure. Power.

So no more excuses. Find your local Crossfit and get signed up. Don’t let the prices deter you. It is more than worth the price to become the best athlete you’ve ever been and feel great doing it!

Seriously….go sign up now.


Has there ever been a day in your life when you wonder if you were really meant to do the job you’re doing? I’ve been feeling that way lately. It’s not because I’m no good at my job. I’m actually pretty fantastic at my job. That’s part of the problem. I’m too good at what I do and therefore cannot get into the area I truly desire. I can handle kids with all kinds of problems and needs, but that’s not what I want. I want to work with kids who can talk to me and be reasoned with. I don’t want to deal with parents who think that schools are to blame for their child’s problems in school. I want to have a single curriculum to follow and just copy the worksheets and follow the scripts and that’s it. It sounds really easy when you put it that way but it’s really not. There are so many details that go into being a classroom teacher that no one ever thinks about, but I want it because it means not having to always deal with unstable people. I’m fine with occasional kook, I;m just tired of it being so consistently a part of my life.

Something else I want is to have someone not just agree to read my book but to actually do it. I want to be a published author and I have a complete manuscript,but I won’t just throw it out there. I want a few people to read it first and give their opinion so I can make it better. I want it to be the kind of book that the masses want to read. I want help finding the perfect quippy title to make it launch onto the best seller list. It’s something no one has ever written about before and I think it would be beneficial to a lot of people. It just won’t launch on its own.


Sorry for being so down today. I think maybe I just needed to vent for a moment.


In other news, I have started a new workout regimen and I love it. I’m in so much pain, but I can tell that it will actually make me a better athlete and I will be in really good shape for the first time in many years!!! It’s the best community ever and if anyone is interested in getting fit in a great family-like environment, please let me know. This type of groups can be found all across the country and it’s SOOOO worth it.