The things happening in our country sicken me. I’m sure most of you have seen at least one of the stories above. If not, please educate yourself on an issue that really should no longer exist. 

Unfortunately, I don’t believe that EVERY piece of these stories is totally factual, but I’d be an idiot if I thought racism no longer exists in the USA. It’s alive and well. And as a white person, it saddens me a great deal. However, the ways in which these issue are being handled is equally as imprudent as continuing to hold racial biases in your mind. 

There are still thousands upon thousands of people who remember living life during segregation. It was real. It happened. It was awful. It was one of the more embarrassing things we as Americans have ever allowed (and let’s add slavery to this for obvious reasons). Plenty of these people have managed to move past segregation and into acceptance. And anyone who uses the word “tolerance” for any of this is straight up stupid. 

The problem is the minority. It’s the people who have such rigid mindsets that they can’t get past the past. And I’m not limiting this to one race either. There are white people who view all black people are ignorant, sloppy, and less than. There are black people who view all white people as arrogant, privileged, and cruel. 

This has to stop. 

The students at MU had the right idea in speaking up. I have no idea what is actually happening on that campus, but if there is a race issue, it needs to be addressed. That being said, you will NEVER end racism with racism. Demanding that the president resign and proclaim his white privilege is just a corporate level version of throwing him in the stocks on the town square. Furthermore, demanding that ANY organization increase its black staff by any percentage is also racism. 

Now, if you have proof that a black person with credentials x, y, and z was denied a position while a white person was hired instead with only credential x, then please speak up and make some noise about it!! But make sure there’s documentation before crying ‘race’. For your own sake. 

These witch hunts have to stop. Fighting racism with racism needs to end. Neither tactic will affect any kind of real change. 

Now this photo vandalism at Harvard. The student who made a statement that its just another reminder that white supremacy founded the university: give me a break!! Yes, the university was founded by white people. But if you take five minutes to learn history, you’d know that a black person probably couldn’t have been found for miles around when the university was founded or for many many years after. 

If everyone keeps letting the pathetic actions of these assholes take hold of our emotions and control policy in our schools, then they win. They have re-instilled a fear in us. It’s crippling our country. 

Seriously, folks, stop focusing on color and start looking at people.