I so long for our world to return to a time when decency, courtesy, and respect were the traits most highly valued. It seems when I hear so many stories of evil around me is when I get into a certain mood. I fly through my old movies and books as if seeing and reading it all might make it so.

I’ve never known a life of basic necessity. I’ve never known a time when just about everyone worked for the greater good of everyone else, and evil was so scarce it was shocking to young people. I’ve never learned things as simple as how to make my own loaf of bread. I’m sure I would fail if I tried.

But nothing can stop me from admiring such a life.

Here I sit, writing this for complete strangers on a device I can hold in my hand and in a moment it will be available for absolutely anyone to read. In a time when we can be connected with just anyone, I sit and wonder where all the closeness has gone from the world.

I don’t wish for all technology to disappear from the world. I just wish everyone, myself included, was able to appreciate having exactly what they need.

I do hope I’m able to teach my child to embrace the new while appreciating the old. I want my child to be strong and independent. I want hard tasks and decisions to be looked upon with tenacity. I want my child to know the value of kindness and honesty, and be able to maintain a healthy balance of both. Goodness knows I’ve struggled with that balance. And I truly hope that our world takes a turn soon. I hope everyone can see the value in being good to one another, of not using power as a means of doing evil for no reason, and of appreciating what there is to be thankful for.